Just a few quick things that I figured out last night that I thought I would pass on.

#1 Make sure you turn the A/C off, and radio off.
#2 Make sure you turn your Overdrive OFF!!!
#3 Make sure that your Electric pedals are about halfway up.
#4 Don't drive through the water box if you have street tires. (It won't help)
#5 Do a mild burn out. Get them hot but not John Force style.
#6 Pull up to the light SLOW!!!! Have the first bulb come on, then VERY VERY slowly ease into the second. You want the light to just come on and flicker.(Will save about .05)
#7 Bring the RPM up to about 1000-1200(Hold the brake in)
#8 When the other guy is ready and the first light comes down watch for the last yellow light to come on and hit the gas.(Don't wait for the green,it's not a traffic light)
#9 Hold the gas on the FLOOR.
#10 Look at your 60ft time on your time slip and see if it improved.