I love bling but I cannot STAND polishing billet aluminum parts! Well now with the polished lips on my bogarts, the polished 2.6 KB, and coming soon the polished sheetmetal plenum, I've finally had enough and bought the Zoop Seal kit off Summit. Heard lots of good things about it so giving it a shot.

Its VERY easy to use, but the instructions are a bit unclear. You polish your parts with your own polish to the shine you want. Then there's a wash solution you mix with water to clean the parts from any residue. After they're dry you wipe on the sealant and let it dry. After that you use the zoop polish to polish out any impurities/cloudiness that may appear in the sealant. Well there's the confusing part. It just says apply the polish after the sealant is completely dry to the touch. If it streaks its not dry. Well after about 1/2 hour the sealant isn't streaky but its tacky. Then after about 2 hours its not tacky any more but its soft (dry to the touch though). I've been waiting til its not tacky before I use the zoop polish, but you can see a clear film polish off. I'm not sure if this is the actual sealant coming off, or if its like a wax where you wipe the film off and just a super fine film you cant see is left. I tried searching online to see if more people posted on various sites about more tips & tricks, but they must have recently changed the formula. The older zoop seal was a 2 part formula.

Anyway, I've done some underhood billet, and my bogarts. I'll probably call Zoop this week to find out about the polishing part, if I should wait maybe a day so the sealer is hardened enough the clear film doesnt polish off and just any impurities (ie. dust stuck in the sealant) will come off. Or if it is fine to continue doing it like I have been for when I zoop my 2.6 and sheetmetal plenum next weekend.

I'll post up more tips/tricks once I get it all sorted out. Anyway, some PICS!

Just a reminder, zoop doesn't make the parts shinier or polish them, it just seals the shine you have from oxidizing up and dulling and should last up to 2 years. So to rejuvinate some of my 6-7 year old billet underhood pieces I got the buffer & compound kit off summit for my cheapie bench grinder and brought the pieces back to life. They were polished by hand with mothers billet polish, but the high speed & compound made a world of difference!

Battery bracket polished, MAF plate unpolished

left side polished by hand, right side polished by buffer

nothing like cheap $40 harbor freight bench grinder and $30 summit compound wheels & compound bars for a cheap DIY polishing setup LoL!

billet goodies like new again! now they won't stand out like a sore thumb when I order nice new billet caps lol

all zoop sealed away...

bogarts all polished up and sealed as well! Cleaned the white lettering up too with some bleech white. (WARNING...that stuff INSTANTLY oxidizes aluminum! I had to repolish the bogart lips after cleaning the sidewalls of the bogarts )