Quote Originally Posted by harley#356 View Post
like rich said, its around $700-800 to get the 2.3 rebuilt. It's a very stout and proven blower though, especially with that sheetmetal intake. Just look at the times list, and out of the top 10 fastest trucks, 6 or 7 of those are 2.3 kb's! The 2.3 whipple with the rear entry design vs. Top entry is a bit more efficient than the top fed 2.3 kb, so it can be pushed a bit further, and it does look a bit nicer than the 2.3 kb, but again up to you if its worth the around $1k difference

i'm going to be picking a polished 2.3 kb up for jekyll after the new years. Twin polished kb's on the twin hd's :d
josh, pick up a 2.6 kb polished and it would be better. They run cooler and if you ever want to turn her up, u always have the option more safely compared to the 2.3.
The polish will also make the 2 blowers stand out differently and actually make a different look when both hoods are open for photo shooting.